In the past, the onlyway you would know if your images were being used illegally by someone else wasif you came across them by chance. Now, there is reverse image searching tohelp you, but even that may need adjusting to find the places your image isbeing used. Here are a few tips on things you should do to find out is yourimages have been copied.
Use a Reverse Image Search Tool
You need to start offby using a reverse image search tool such as the one This iscompletely free to use and allows you to either search the image itself or theURL for the image. It couldn’t be simpler to use and will let you search yourimage regardless of its type or size. Searching your original image willusually bring up ones that are not too different from the original and couldmean that you find it being used and edited in places such as magazines,newspapers, and blogs.
Search for Used Images
If you have severalversions of the image you are searching, using this search will show how otherpeople have used it. Searching for used images will bring different resultsfrom searching the original image and may show versions that have beenphotoshopped or painted. It could be something simple like the colors of youroriginal have been altered, but this search will find them for you if this hasbeen done.
Search for Different Sizes
Searching fordifferent sizes will give your reverse search engine tool a wider market tolook at. The image you load for searching does not have to be high resolution,and by searching it in various sizes, the resolution will alter. This canachieve providing your toll with more options, so you will get more resultsfrom this way of searching.

Search for a Rotated Image
If you rotate or evenreverse your image, you could come up with completely different results. Thesearch tools cannot do this for you, but you can simply do it on a platform such as Photoshop. People who want to steal your image may wellrotate or reverse it so this search is well worthwhile.
Search for A Blurred Image
This is something elsethat will bring totally different results. Try blurring your image slightlybefore you reverse search, as this can be a very effective way of finding thepeople that are using your image without permission. This is because when theimage is slightly blurred, the search tool will be looking for shapes and linesto compare it with and this will result in more images being shown.
Protect your Images
One things you can do protect your images from the start so that the theft of them becomes less likely.There are things you can do if someone steals your images, but if it’s reallygetting to you, remember that they have been stolen because someone else thinksthey are good enough to take.