Harnessing the power of testimonials

Harnessing the power of testimonials

Harnessing the power of testimonials
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Why did the customer give a glowing testimonial to the clockmaker? They said, "It's about time someone made such amazing clocks!"

Today I’ll not only be sharing a hyper-practical growth hack for you to grab more customers for your service business, but also handing you some links for further reading and exploration.

But with our sole purpose of this newsletter being to help you drive more bookings and sales to your business, I want to start things off with a question:

What is the #1 problem you’re struggling with to get more sales for your business?

Growth Hack of the Week: How to leverage testimonials to turn cold prospects into eager buyers 

( + a downloadable template to make it easy for you to implement).

Long headings aside 👆, it’s no secret that selling to strangers is tough. But one thing that always made it easier in my freelancer life was getting authentic, quality testimonials to show off to prospects that were the real deal.

And no, I don’t mean the lacklustre “I enjoyed your product” kind of testimonials, but rather amazing, fence-kicking, customer-inspiring testimonials like this:

Now let’s get straight into the goodies.

Here’s our done-for-you testimonial template that you can grab right now and start sharing with your current and past customers to get standout testimonials that convert future prospects into buyers:

>> Click here to get it (no download required)

But I won’t just hand you a fish without teaching you how to cook it. So here is a step-by-step process with what to do next:

  1. Open the link: Click the link above to open the testimonial template. Once inside, in the top-left corner in the toolbar, click on File > Make a Copy to save your own, editable version of the template.
  1. Contact customers: Next, send off your testimonial requests. You can either do this manually by reaching out to each of your customers individually, or send it off in mass to your entire email list. If you choose the automatic route, consider your response late to be lower, as individual, manual emails + personalization will get you more responses.
  1. Get 3 testimonials: Continue this process of reaching out to customers until you have at least three amazing testimonials. It’s nice to have more than three testimonials, but having three solid, outstanding testimonials is all most businesses need to display to give prospects the assurance they need to hop over that credit card finish line.
  1. Follow up: After you contact each customer, write their name and email into a spreadsheet and record the date you contacted them. If you don’t get a response, wait 5 business days from when you contacted them and reach out again by replying to your original sent email with a follow up message. Keep it simple. I like:

“Hey [first_name], I know you’re super busy so just bumping this to the top of your inbox.”

  1. Display testimonials: Collect your testimonials and proudly display them on your website. If you’re using Book Like A Boss to host your booking page, then your testimonials should come out looking like this:

[Insert screenshot of testimonials from one of your example booking pages in the booking pages library.] - andrea@blab.co 

  1. Pop champagne: Revel in the knowledge that your shiny new testimonials mean your business is one step closer to converting prospects into real paying customers.

Tweet Treat

Link Love

Here are a few links to help you understand the importance of testimonials and why you should always be updating them. 

So, swap out whatever night time murder mystery detective novel you’re reading through and check these out instead:

  1. Hubspot’s Ultimate Guide to Cutomer Testimonials: A powerfuls starting point for both why you need testimonials and how to collect great testimonials for your business.
  1. Neil Patel’s Testimonials Best Practices: Straight from Neil Patel himself, check out his take on testimonials, why you need them, and how to get them for your business.
  1. The Perfect Testimonial Template: In case you missed it above, here’s our very own testimonial template that we encourage you to use when collecting authentic, trust-building testimonials for your business.

No credit card required.

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