Build an omnipresent social media strategy by repurposing content

Learn how to effortlessly repurpose your social media content to establish a wide presence across multiple platforms.

Our step-by-step repurposing process
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I'm so good at repurposing social media content, I should rename myself 'The Recycling Binfluencer

The tiresome effort you put into creating social media content to attract buyers to your business needn’t be in vain. There’s so much more SEO and attraction juice that you can squeeze out of one post by repurposing it for different social media platforms.

Repurposing content helps you build a presence on multiple channels. For example, blogs tend to perform better in organic search results when composed correctly, but videos show more promise on social media.

Let’s dive into our exact strategy for repurposing content for your social media to boost your presence and organic growth!

Growth Hack: Repurpose your content for an omnipresent social media strategy 💪

Nowadays it’s simply not enough to be on just one social media platform. I’m certainly not instructing you to be on all of them, but establishing a presence across 2-3 key platforms where your audience hangs out the most is crucial. 

Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of exactly how to go about building your omnipresent social media repurposing strategy:

Step 1: Analyze your original content 📊

Review the original social media content to understand its key message, format, and engagement metrics. Primarily what you’re looking to understand here is ‘why’ certain pieces of content performed better than others. Reading any comments on your posts goes a long way to helping you understand this.

Step 2: Identify your target platforms 🎯

Determine which social media platforms you intend to repurpose the content for based on your audience demographics, content type, and engagement goals. Simply put - which platforms does your audience spend most of their time on? If you’re not sure, just ask them!

Step 3: Tailor your content for each platform ✂️

Adapt the original content to fit the specific requirements and preferences of each platform, such as image size, video length, and tone. Likewise, if your original content was long-form (i.e. blog article or long-form video content) then consider splitting that piece of content up into multiple short-form pieces to be shared across other platforms.

For example, an article on “Top 10 tips to improve your golf game” can be separated into 10 separate social media posts, each focusing on one of the tips.

Step 4: Adapt your captions ✍️

Craft engaging and relevant captions tailored to the audience and culture of each platform, utilizing appropriate hashtags, emojis, and tone. Each platform has different restrictions on caption length and what you can/cannot include in each platform.

Here’s an article detailing the limitations of each platform.

Step 5: Schedule and Post ⏰

Use social media management tools to schedule and publish the repurposed content on the designated platforms at optimal times for maximum reach and engagement.

At Bossitude, we use Planable and love them!

Step 6: Monitor Performance 📈

Track the performance of the repurposed content on each platform using analytics tools, and adjust your strategy accordingly based on audience engagement and feedback.

If you’re unfamiliar with metrics tracking, I highly recommend checking out Measure School’s Youtube channel. They have amazing free content and lessons on how to track and measure analytics not only for your website but for social media as well.

Step 7: Engage with Your Audience 💬

Respond to comments, messages, and mentions across all platforms to foster meaningful interactions and build relationships with your audience. Set a daily reminder for yourself to jump into your social media accounts and ‘like’ and reply to any outstanding comments and questions.

Step 8: Repurpose Successful Content 🔁

Identify the most successful repurposed content and consider further adapting it for additional platforms or future campaigns.

Step 9: Rinse and Repeat 🔄

Continuously refine your repurposing strategy based on insights gained from analytics and audience interactions, and repeat the process to maintain a consistent presence and engagement on social media.

That wraps it up. A 9-step process might feel long, but once you get it running you’ll get faster and faster and producing content, then efficiently repurposing and reusing it across different social media platforms to establish a larger presence and grow quickly.

Insert the referral program block here

Tweet of the Week 🐦

Here, Charles Miller gives you a nice high-level look at his content repurposing process. Although we gave you a detailed 9-step repurposing process above, I highly recommend personalizing the process to make it work for you.

Link Love ❤️

Here are a few links for you to check out this evening, including the links earlier in this post.

👉 Social media caption restrictions cheat sheet

👉 Measure School’s Youtube channel for metrics education

👉 Alex Cattoni’s content-repurposing walkthrough

That’s a wrap 👊

Repurposing your social media content for multiple platforms is crucial as it maximizes reach, engagement, and ROI by adapting your content to suit different audience preferences and platform requirements. 

So, in case you weren’t taking notes, here’s what you do next:

  1. Analyze your original content.
  2. Identify the platforms your audience hangs out on
  3. Tailor your content to each platform
  4. Adapt your captions to each platform
  5. Use a tool like Planable to post to multiple platforms
  6. Measure your content’s performance
  7. Reply to your audience’s comments and questions
  8. Reuse your most successful content on more platforms
  9. Rinse and repeat

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